Thursday, February 3, 2011


February 8,2010
About what happen in the gym today?
I went to gym for 3 hrs work out.Running and walking in the tread mill.I did some machine training to make my stomach muscles strong..I spent some time in sauna .I love to stay in sauna I can do deep thinking...^_^Love the feelings to I ate 1 big apple.2litrs of the main dish

Before                                              After

        I ran and walk in tread mil about 5kilometers 

1.First day in gym click Here

my favorite place after the gym.
make up display and demo for free

Feb.2 ,2011 Day in Gym
Second Day for loss weight

Second day of working out in the gym, Today I only stay in gym for almost 1.5 hrs,Then I went road cycling ^_^ ..

My appetite always  strong,I love to  cook and  eat..I always feels like i want to eat sweets..
My legs muscles  feels pain too much because of pedaling and walking^_^..(had muscle cramps)
I just did the sauna today
after the sauna
need to  drink too much water..
lose 15 grams

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