Thursday, February 3, 2011


Today February 7,2011
I stay home at day time ,I went to gym around 20:00 .I only used the bicycle and tread mill.Too much eating yesterday,  I gained some weight again...

before                                                                                    after

Today is February 6,2011
I went for a 1.5 hrs road walk ,then went to  gym for the  sauna..Didnt join any program today..


February 5,2011 my  4th day going to gym

February 4,Friday gym day off..

Today I went to gym with sis.May,we joined aerobics,stretching,we did tread mill walking and machine training ..
Today I forgot to remove my necklace ,so to my surprise,after the sauna and shower my necklace is gone..huhuhu(learn from my mistake)..

Before                                                                          After


February 8,2010
About what happen in the gym today?
I went to gym for 3 hrs work out.Running and walking in the tread mill.I did some machine training to make my stomach muscles strong..I spent some time in sauna .I love to stay in sauna I can do deep thinking...^_^Love the feelings to I ate 1 big apple.2litrs of the main dish

Before                                              After

        I ran and walk in tread mil about 5kilometers